Wednesday, August 1, 2012

buttons, passes, and fishbowls?

It's been a few weeks since I last posted but I have purchased quiet a few things for my classroom and have been doing "Make it Monday's" basically everyday of the week.  Every idea I'm about to show you I took off of Pinterest so if you are looking for the original please follow my pin boards.

My business cards came in the mail and look AMAZING!!  Target Dollar Section had business card holders and it was a match made in heaven!  The whole punch was $2 on Amazon!

I've updated my buttons since the last post!  They match my nautical theme and I made about 56 this time!  They are my pride and joy at the moment!

I saw "germ Juice" and thought 'what a great idea!'  My thinking is that the students place this on their desk while in the bathroom so I can see who is gone and when they return they feel obligated to get a squirt.  I'm really hoping this woks!

Next, just a simple crate for students to turn work into and to pass papers back into.  It's simple, it's cute, and this is one of the best things I learned from my internship... makes grading papers EASIER!

Saw these "Unfinished work" folders on Pinterest.  The idea is that you place them on the front of side of students desks to place all their unfinished work so it doesn't get lost forever in their desks.  I bought a roll of magnets to place on the back of them so that the folder can move as I move their desks around all year. I may need 'earth magnets' instead??  Anyone know anything about them?
Anyways, since my classroom theme is nautical/frogs I picked these up in the Target Dollar Section and glued them onto folders.  I also clear duck-taped the sides shut.  Over-all each folder cost me probably $0.02

My newest pin is a 'caught ya being good' jar and I was like AHHHH, thank you jesus!  I bought those business cards about catching students being good or having a clean desk.  Now when the students turn them in I can place them in this jar and then at the end of the week or month I will draw a name or two out of the jar for prizes/coupons!  Very excited about this!
Plastic 1/2 gallon fish bowl for $5 and some stickers and ribbon from Target's Dollar Section and I'm done!

One thing I CAN NOT STAND is the sound of pencils being sharpened.  Last semester I sharpened them for everyone every morning and it got old fast... I wanted to give mechanical pencils a try.  Students will still have their pencils that need to be sharpened but once it's dull they'll have to switch to mine.  People are warning me that students will break these and start taking them apart, but I still want to try.  I placed my name on them with labels from the Target Dollar Section.  I think they are CUTE!
I'm not sure why it won't rotate....

I have about 125 things that I need to print out and get laminated within the next two weeks.  Lots of things to get posted soon.
It's crazy how everything is coming together, yet I feel like I have soooooo much left to do.  Being a first year teacher means I really don't know what to expect and I'm really nervous about doing too much.

My classroom library STINKS so if anyone has suggestions on how to get books for cheap I'd be soooo happy! Pin It Now!

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